

   Find San Diego Speakers


Every member of the San Diego chapter of NSA is required to be a member of the national organization as well.

Rather than try to recreate their great website of speakers
(and try to keep it up to date as well!), we're going to show you
how to easily find a great San Diego based speaker
via NSA's national site:

  1. Click over to the Find A Speaker page on the national NSA site.
  2. Set the "Association - belonging to chapter" to "NSA/San Diego"  
  3. Ignore the "Member of PEG" option.
  4. Use the drop down box for topic area or enter keywords that interest you. 
            (if you skip this step, you'll get an alphabetical list of all of the speakers in NSA/San Diego)
  5. Click the Search button.

If you already know which NSA speaker you want and you have his/her first and/or last
name, you can use the name fields instead and find your speaker.  You may still want to
select "San Diego" as the "Metro Area" to tighten your search.




Last updated: 06/03/04

Copyright 2004 |National Speakers Association - San Diego Chapter